Thursday 4 February 2016

Excellence in Coaching Masterclass with Changeworx, Mumbai, May 2016

In May 2016, I'll be joining Amit Pathak of Changeworx in Mumbai to run a Coaching Masterclass.

You can read countless books on coaching models, theories and techniques, you can attend courses on many different types of coaching, and you can gain qualifications from institutions all over the world in coaching. And yet all of this is worthless if you cannot achieve three simple things with your clients. Without these three things, you will never achieve the true depth of connection and engagement that enables all of those wonderful tools and techniques to work. You’ll be like a car mechanic who has a wonderful, sparkling toolkit but no way to get to the engine.

This masterclass will give you those three missing pieces of the puzzle, and show you how to make that magical connection with your clients, so that your work with them will be faster, easier and more rewarding for both of you.

Surely, coaching has been around for so long that other courses and books must have this missing information now? It just doesn’t make sense that so many people can have trained as coaches, all over the world, and not be able to coach.

It’s important to understand that the thousands of people who have trained as coaches can indeed coach. Many of them are good. Some are very good.

But very few are truly great.

If you are happy to be a good coach, you don’t need to attend this masterclass.

If you want to be a great coach, an outstanding coach who gets results for your clients that they never dreamed possible, then you’re one of the few people with the desire and the attitude to get real value from this masterclass.

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