Saturday 20 October 2012

NE? Win a Book!

What does the NE in NENLP stand for?

What should it stand for?

Best suggestion wins a copy of either The NLP Practitioner Manual or The NLP Master Practitioner Manual.

Submit your entry using the Comment feature on this blog post.


  1. Enter as many times as you like.
  2. The winner will be required to say glorious things about the book on Amazon, LinkedIn etc.
  3. My decision is final, and I might even choose more than one winner.
  4. When I say that my decision is final, that might be over-ruled by my partner if she likes a different suggestion.
  5. NE originally meant 'North East' so don't bother suggesting that.
  6. Offensive entries will be removed, although I can't think of anything offensive for NE. And believe me, I've tried.
  7. I reserve the right to remove the entries of people I don't like.
  8. The winner may choose either of the above books, or Genius at Work instead, in either paperback or Kindle formats.
  9. The closing date depends on how many good entries I get. Don't hold your breath.
  10. Don't hold your breath anyway, it's not good for you.
  11. This has gone on long enough. The closing date is Friday 15th February 2013.
  12. If you don't win, worry not. Just for entering, you can buy a copy at half price. Contact us at and we'll work out the details.


  1. never ending...

  2. Oops, misread. I thought this was for your next book.

    New Excellence

    That's all I got. Those are tough letters.

  3. Neuro-Engineering

  4. New Edition
    Naturally Effective
    Nimble Efficient
    Natural Elements
    Native Emersion
    Naturally Empowering
    New Enlightenment
    Natural Eternal
    Naturally Enduring
    Naturally Emerging
    Natural Evolution


Anyone can comment, but if you're not logged in and you want a reply you'll need to provide contact details, so being logged in is probably best.